Tutorial: Discovering, loading and plotting data with intake and xarray

We need to have intake installed (see https://server-howto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_organization.html#discover-data-with-intake).

import intake

Display figures inside notebook

%matplotlib inline

The observation datasets interpolated on the ASTE grid are listed in the following catalog:

cat = intake.Catalog('/local/data/artemis/catalogs/ASTE_catalog.yml')

You can see what datasets are available in the catalog with:


The intake catalog provides all the necessary information on the data location, type,… so the loading process can be done easily with:

npp_obs = cat.NPP_EppleyVGPM_MODIS.to_dask()

The dataset obtained can be plotted using xarray functions.

npp_obs['npp'].sel(time='2007-6', face=1).plot(vmax=2000)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f2fdc06a438>