Mount Google Drive from CU


Install the google drive app from opam:

opam init
# Answer y to question then
eval `opam config env`
opam install google-drive-ocamlfuse

mkdir /home/$(whoami)/google_drive

The last step, requires X11 forwarding available (use ssh -Y server) within the campus. It will open firefox remotely on the server (painfully slow). Don’t try this at home, connection behind vpn is even slower…:

google-drive-ocamlfuse /home/$(whoami)/google_drive

log in with your university email/password, authorize,… and you’re all set!


Your linux system will interact with your google drive like a local disk.


If your command line freezes on ls $HOME or similar. You need to ask admin to unmount:

sudo umount -f /home/$(whoami)/google_drive

then you can remount the drive:

google-drive-ocamlfuse /home/$(whoami)/google_drive